Posted by: rainworks | May 8, 2012

No Sustainable Planning leads to Failure

Americas INFRASTRUCTURE was planned for failure, officials were not visionaries for the future.

The existing public/private Water Works have been a waste of Taxpayers money for every 50 years. The systems are also then over taxed because of increased Development and additional manufacturing. The water systems should only supply drinking water. Let the Industries drill their own wells. Re-use their water as Gray water. Or make use of their Roof Tops, Parking Lots, etc. as rain catchment and retention  infrastructure, and maintain it instead of washing down the parking lots and streets with Storm-water discharge. Use of this alone would reduce the overall increased pressure from Water Works that the 40-50 year old  system can not handle. Use of Rain Water Harvesting is the most beneficial resourse every American can get access to. They too will need local labor to install a Clean Water Catchment Infrastrusture point of Entry (POE); Roofs, Gutters, 1st Wash, and then; Capture, Filter, UV light sanitization, for Point of Use (POU). This would benefit the whole community with less pressure on existing Under the Street Infrastructure, less seepage and sink holes. AS well, it would provide super clean healthy drinking water. The resulting water discharge into a gray water system could be used to flush toilets and moderated Ground Water Re-charge. reducing Stormwater discharge. Who gets to profit from this? Residential roofing, plumbing, and landscapeing Companies, with Real Shovel Ready JOBs.

Please note the following article.

Fiscal crunch puts stress on Tampa’s aging water system

By KEVIN WIATROWSKI | The Tampa Tribune 
Published: May 08, 2012

TAMPA City water managers on Monday lifted the weekend boil-water order for customers north of Fowler Avenue, three days after a ruptured water main left thousands of New Tampa homes and businesses dry.

Friday’s line break was the latest public failure of Tampa’s aging water system.

A year ago, city residents from Beach Park to New Tampa were enraged by eye-popping water bills the city initially attributed to excessive lawn watering.

In 2006, a water main break beneath the Hillsborough River dumped 100,000 gallons of drinking water into the river for three days.

In 2002, a water main break near Tampa International Airport turned Memorial Highway into a river for an afternoon.

Such utility collapses are becoming increasingly common across the country as aging water lines and other systems reach the end of their lives, according to the American Society of Civil Engineers.

The problem coincides with the aftermath of the recession, when falling tax rolls and strained public budgets make it hard for cities such as Tampa to afford the high cost of replacing critical infrastructure, said Greg diLoreto, the society’s president-elect.

“It’s more universal than we think,” said diLoreto, who runs a water utility near Portland, Ore.

In recent years, the society has given the nation’s utilities, roads, bridges and levees borderline-failing grades as they grow more overwhelmed by the demands placed upon them. Like the New Tampa water line, much of that failing infrastructure dates to the 1970s or before.

“The stuff we put in the ’70s we thought would hold up for a long time,” diLoreto said.

Under Mayor Pam Iorio, Tampa began a $100 million project to update its aging water and sewer systems. That project led to crews tearing up city streets in downtown and elsewhere to install new pipes. The city has replaced 88 miles of water mains.

City crews have been adding new water lines parallel to Bruce B. Downs Boulevard as part of the widening of New Tampa’s main traffic artery. The new water line replaces the 40-year-old one that ruptured Friday.

Brad Baird, head of the city’s water department, said Friday the city was two weeks away from replacing the ruptured segment when it failed.

The failure affected about a half-million people from Busch Gardens and the University of South Florida north to the Pasco County line. The city lifted a boil-water advisory Monday.

Water department spokesman Eli Franco said the city had targeted the Bruce B. Downs line for replacement because of its age and a lack of alternatives.

After the blowout, crews accelerated the schedule for bringing the new pipe online, doing in about a half-day what was supposed to take two weeks.

“In this particular case, we were very fortunate that the lion’s share of the work was in place,” Franco said.

The speed with which the city restored water service in New Tampa helped keep the outage from becoming a fiasco on the scale of last year’s billing problems, which led Mayor Bob Buckhorn to expand the city’s meter-reading staff.

Tampa Palms resident Randy Marlowe said his initial reaction to the line break was exasperation. But later he reconsidered that response.

“One you realize the size of the line and the number of people affected, I’m quite impressed,” Marlowe said. “The restoration was much faster than expected.”

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